Saturday, February 5, 2011

The Bechdel Test

Have you ever heard of it?
It's for movies and it goes like this...
  • Are there at least two women? (A variation requires they have names)
  • Do they talk to each other?
  • About something other than a man or men?
It's amazing how many movies don't pass.
Here is the opening scene for my screenplay.

Mary Lee Davis is walking to the coffee shop.
She sees an old friend from school, Nancy Ann Williamson.
Mary: Nancy! I haven't seen you is so long!
Nancy: Mary! So good to see you! Let's grab a cup of coffee and talk.
Mary: Sure, What do you want to talk about?
Nancy: Anything but a man.
Mary: Or men!
Nancy: Amen!
Both: Hahahahahaha!

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